
By Outside the Stacks, Inc

QED TLS Migration Proxy Vision

Help for Large Enterprises

Large enterprises with extensive networks of clients and servers have a hard time upgrading to more secure levels of TLS (Transport Layer Security).  See HERE for more information on these challenges?  See below for how our products can help you! 

Flexible Protocol Support: From Client

QED TLS Migration Proxy allows clients to utilize both HTTP and HTTPS protocols, catering to diverse communication needs.

TLS versions supported from client:

  • no encryption
  • TLS 1.0
  • TLS 1.1
  • TLS 1.2
  • TLS 1.3

Flexible Protocol Support: From Server

QED TLS Migration Proxy allows servers to use the most secure versions of the HTTPS protocols, catering to diverse communication needs.  This also ensures consistency in implementation across your enterprise.

TLS versions supported from server:

  • TLS 1.2
  • TLS 1.3

Intermediate Certificate Management

Simplify certificate management with QED TLS Migration Proxy as it automates the creation of intermediate certificates through the proxy, reducing the burden on clients and ensuring a streamlined process.

Web sites:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • CNN

And so on.

Post Quantum Encryption Support (Experimental)

Stay at the forefront of data security with experimental Post Quantum encryption support. While not yet mainstream, QED TLS Migration Proxy pioneers the incorporation of Post Quantum encryption, demonstrating a commitment to staying ahead of emerging security technologies.

Easily connect to those who support post-quantum cipher suites:

  • CloudFlare
  • CDN services

More and more organizations will announce support.  Learn  with us before you migrate!


Try it now!

QED TLS Migration Proxy is the ideal choice for businesses and individuals who prioritize the confidentiality and integrity of their online communications. Elevate your web connections with QED TLS Proxy and experience a new level of security, flexibility, and innovation.

Click HERE for a video of the product in action!

Click HERE to ask for a Sandbox system to try out the product yourself!